Research Coordination Network on the
Digital Economy and the Environment
Growing the field and the funding

Pernilla Bergmark

Pernilla Bergmark

Principal researcher, ICT sustainability impacts, Ericsson Research; Co-rapporteur ITU-T Study Group Environment, Climate Change, Circular Economy Q9 on "Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement”

I work as a company-based researcher and standardizer in the field of ICT. My research interests include methodology development and assessments related to climate impacts, circular economy, smart sustainable cities. I'm also interested in integrating planetary boundaries in assessments of ICT and in the application of the SDG framework. As a standardizer, I'm involved in ITU, ETSI and SIS (Swedish committee for ISO and CEN). Recently in ITU, I've contributed to the development of the ICT sectoral decarbonization approach developed by ITU/GSMA/GESI for the SBTi, and the ICT Net Zero standard. I'm also a co-author of the Exponential Roadmap for 1.5° C aligned climate action, and have contributed to the UNFCCC Climate Action Pathway for ICT & Mobile.