Research Coordination Network on the
Digital Economy and the Environment
Growing the field and the funding

Welcome to the Research Coordination Network (RCN) — an initiative of the Network for the Digital Economy and the Environment (nDEE). This work is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation.


The purpose of the Research Coordination Network on the Digital Economy and the Environment (RCN-DEE) is to foster an emerging field of research that examines the environmental impacts of digital technologies. Research and funding can often be siloed, lack a comprehensive strategy, or be divorced from conversations around broader societal goals and public policies. The RCN-DEE seeks to bring researchers in this field together in collaboration and to break down disciplinary boundaries. We will collectively build toward a more comprehensive strategy for growing this emerging field — one where the research has real-world impacts.


The Research Coordination Network will involve virtual and hybrid workshops where members will build relationships with one another, identify and communicate topics of common interest, and collaborate on research within small working groups. Projects will span disciplinary, geographical, and organizational boundaries. In addition to the National Science Foundation, other potential funders will be part of the RCN, including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Internet Society Foundation.


The anticipated outcomes of the RCN are to: (1) build a shared understanding of research priorities, barriers, and opportunities, (2) increase scholarly output in academic journals and other channels, and (3) expand funding for multi-disciplinary research, both in the United States and Europe. Working groups could collaboratively develop research projects and grant applications, co-author publications, formulate research agendas for funders, and so on. 


If you would like to learn more about the RCN-DEE or join as a researcher, please contact